Change network settings
Step 1:
Click on the Settings icon at the bottom right.
Step 2:
Click on the arrow at the bottom right to go to the second page of settings menus.
Step 3:
Select the Service menu option.
Step 4:
Choose TTE-GW.
Click General.
Step 5:
You are in the General menu.
Click on General Gateway.
Step 6:
You are in the General Gateway menu.
Click on Settings.
Step 7:
You are in the Settings menu.
Click on Internet access.
Step 8:
In the line Internet access, click on the parameter on the right side (any text shown)
Step 9:
Choose the Internet access:
- at LAN Gateway choose Network
- at WLAN Gateway choose WLAN
confimr by clicking OK.
Step 10:
Scroll down to line Apply IP changes.
Click on the right side parameter "-".
Step 11:
Click on Apply and confirm by clicking OK.