District heating

Combined heat and power plant | 43–530 kW electrical output and 65–687 kW thermal output | Profitable production of electricity and heat for medium-sized and large properties as well as local heating networks.

Gas condensing boiler | Rating 15–2300 kW | An impressive and highly efficient condensing boiler with fantastic efficiency, compact dimensions and low energy consumption.

Buffer storage tank | Volume 200–6000 litres | Buffer storage tanks are a supplement to heating systems and heat pumps. They store excess energy until the heat is needed within the building.

TransTherm pro
A customised solution for making efficient use of sustainable, clean district heating energy that is also an affordable investment.

Calorifier | Volume 300–2000 litres | Calorifier with two heat exchangers (coils) for maximum hygiene and a long life-time.
Thermischer Sonnenkollektor Bruttofläche von 2,52 m² Ultraleicht, ultraschmal und dabei höchst Effizient. Eine Kollektorfamilie für alle Montagearten ist besonders stark im System mit einem Heizkessel oder Wärmepumpen.

Combined heat and power plant | 43–530 kW electrical output and 65–687 kW thermal output | Profitable production of electricity and heat for medium-sized and large properties as well as local heating networks.

Gas condensing boiler | Rating 15–2300 kW | An impressive and highly efficient condensing boiler with fantastic efficiency, compact dimensions and low energy consumption.

Buffer storage tank | Volume 200–6000 litres | Buffer storage tanks are a supplement to heating systems and heat pumps. They store excess energy until the heat is needed within the building.
TransTherm pro

A customised solution for making efficient use of sustainable, clean district heating energy that is also an affordable investment.

Calorifier | Volume 300–2000 litres | Calorifier with two heat exchangers (coils) for maximum hygiene and a long life-time.
Thermischer Sonnenkollektor Bruttofläche von 2,52 m² Ultraleicht, ultraschmal und dabei höchst Effizient. Eine Kollektorfamilie für alle Montagearten ist besonders stark im System mit einem Heizkessel oder Wärmepumpen.
Complete solutions for heating networks
Local and district heating networks have a bright future, which Hoval is stepping into today with its giga-format boilers and standardised solutions for combined heat and power plants, for example. Sub-stations deliver heat into the buildings that are connected to the network; so these buildings have no need for their own heating system. To ensure the heating centre and sub-stations run really efficiently, Hoval has also developed control software to visualise these components on a computer screen. This software can even result in a shorter payback time.