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Hoval is a company that stands for innovative power and responsibility for energy and environment. Achieving high levels of energy efficiency while increasing the use of systems for renewable energy sources is central to our efforts.  By means of their advanced system technology, our high quality products can further maximise the efficiency of overall systems.  As a result, both our customers and society are able to markedly reduce the consumption of energy and natural resources.  Avoiding a negative environmental impact is our top priority when developing advanced innovative and durable products. Our innovations are notable for their low energy consumption, limited emissions during their use phase and environmentally friendly disposal at the end of the product life cycle.

Life Cycle

Energy costs. Today and tomorrow.

Hoval does everything to ensure consistently cost-effective operation. Efficiency is the key. With cutting-edge developments, Hoval ensures that its products are among the most efficient of their kind. Over the years, this will not only save a considerable amount of money but it also spares resource and lowers CO2 emissions. These savings mean that possibly higher investment costs are amortised within just a short period.

Foresight pays off.

A hike in the mountains quickly teaches you that the shortest route is not always the safest. A sense of responsibility dictates which path to take. The same applies to financing, where short-sightedness increases the risk of follow-up and maintenance costs. Hoval is different. Hoval quality and intelligent system technology ensure a pleasant outlook into the future.

The life cycle. Cost-effective from the start.

  • Planning costs: Professional planning takes savings potentials into account. It sizes the performance of a system to the actual requirements and is therefore the foundation for long-term economical operation.
  • Procurement costs: A complete system encompasses all relevant components from the start. This avoids unwelcome, costly surprises concealed behind the initial investment.
  • Installation costs: Ready-to-connect units simplify and accelerate the installation procedure on-site. In addition, if installation is performed by specialists, the costs remain manageable and low. 
  • Operating costs: Power-saving technology and high efficiency levels ensure cost-effective operation. In light of rising energy prices, this results in a significant savings potential.
  • Service costs: Products that are inherently less susceptible to repairs and malfunctions generate lower service costs. Maintenance agreements additionally help spare the wallet and soothe the nerves. 
  • Disposal costs: Delayed disposal costs for heating and indoor climate units improve the cost/benefit ratio. In addition, environmentally compatible materials make recycling easier.