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The oil heating system. Technologically superior.

Hoval is a true trailblazer when it comes to saving energy. Its condensing oil boilers are exceptionally efficient and were considered to be a pioneering achievement when they were first introduced. They utilise the heat energy of water vapour emitted during combustion – just one indicator of the expertise that went into developing this system.

What do we learn from this? Those who deploy their energies sensibly are well-equipped for rapid progress.




The energy carrier

Heating oil has been a proven heat provider for many years. Hoval offers condensing units for all heating oil types. Modern oil combustion with condensing technology is convenient, low in consumption, energy saving and environmentally friendly – especially when using the new, low-sulphur oil types.

The environment says thank you

Compared to older models, modern units powered by low-sulphur oil minimise the environmental damage caused by acid rain. The sulphur emissions that lead to this phenomenon are reduced to almost zero. The lower fuel consumption also has a positive impact on our climate. 

In addition, thanks to Hoval system technology, a condensing oil boiler can be readily teamed with other energy carriers such as solar collection systems configured specifically for this boiler. This helps preserve valuable energy reserves for the future.

Der UltraOil setzt die gesamte wertvolle Energie des Brennstoffes in nutzbare Wärme um. Dies schont die Umwelt und reduziert die Betriebskosten für den Heizungsnutzer erheblich.

Günther Köb
Leiter Produktmanagement Fossile Brennstoffe