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HovalConnect: the innovative service platform

"With Hoval, I can control my heating online"

HovalConnect: Registering your gateway

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Connect to your heating systemInformation and orders
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innovative HovalConnect service platform!
Connectez-vous à votre chauffageInformation et commande
Connettivi al suo riscaldamentoInformazioni e ordini
Connect to your heating systemInformation and orders
 Do you require further information?
Click here to find out more about the
innovative HovalConnect service platform!


General information: The TopTronic E online portal is being replaced with the new, innovative HovalConnect service platform. In Switzerland and Germany, the switchover will take place in stages over the course of 2021. In other countries, the switchover is scheduled to take place from 2022. Until HovalConnect is available in your country, you can continue to control your system using the existing TopTronic E online portal (HovalDesk). Once HovalConnect is available, your system will be switched over free of charge. We will inform you in good time when we have reached this stage.


Informazioni generali: Il portale TopTronic E online verrà sostituito dalla nuova e innovativa piattaforma di servizi HovalConnect. In Germania la transizione avverrà nel corso del 2021. In altri Paesi è prevista a partire dal 2022. Finché HovalConnect non sarà disponibile nel Suo Paese, potrà ancora gestire il Suo impianto attraverso il consueto portale TopTronic E online (HovalDesk). Non appena HovalConnect sarà disponibile, il Suo impianto verrà inserito gratuitamente nella nuova piattaforma. La informeremo tempestivamente quando questo accadrà.


Informations générales: Le portail en ligne TopTronic E online est remplacé par la nouvelle plate-forme de service innovante HovalConnect. En Allemagne, le changement s'effectuera petit à petit dans le courant de l'année 2021. Dans d'autres pays, le changement est prévu à partir de 2022. Jusqu'à la disponibilité de HovalConnect dans votre pays, votre installation continuera d'être réglée via l'ancien portail en ligne TopTronic E online (HovalDesk). Dès que HovalConnect sera disponible, votre installation sera convertie gratuitement. Nous vous informerons à temps lorsque ce sera d'actualité.