How do I register my Hoval heating system with HovalConnect?
To register, please go to the HovalConnect login page and follow the registration steps.
Please note:
You will need the following details to complete the registration:
- the owner’s e-mail address provided when the order was placed
- the HovalConnect Plant Key found on the registration card included with the Hoval gateway

1.) On the login screen, click on “Register” to register for the first time.

2.) Next, enter your personal details in the corresponding fields. Be sure to use the owner’s e-mail address specified in the contract. Click on “Register” to complete the registration.
For your own security, only the owner may register a plant. This means that you must enter the e-mail address that was provided when the order was placed (owner’s e-mail address).

3.) A registration confirmation screen appears. You will receive a confirmation e-mail in the next few minutes.
If you do not receive an e-mail, please check your junk or spam folder. If you want the confirmation e-mail to be resent, please use the forgotten password function on the login screen.

4.) In the e-mail, click on the link in the red box to activate your account.

5.) Another screen appears with confirmation that your user account has been activated successfully. Click on “Next” to be automatically logged in to the HovalConnect platform.
If this process should fail unexpectedly, you can also log in to the platform directly:

6.) You are now logged in to HovalConnect.
The first time you log in to HovalConnect, you will be prompted to add your Hoval plant.
Enter your HovalConnect Plant Key. You can find this on the registration card included with the Hoval gateway. Confirm your entry by clicking on “Next”.
You can also add your plant at a later point in time. You will find the relevant function in the menu at the top left.