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Erneuerbare Energie im wiederbelebten Schloss

Gröbming, Dachstein-Region, Österreich

Erneuerbare Energie im wiederbelebten Schloss

Gröbming, Dachstein-Region, Österreich

In diesen denkmalgeschützten Mauern lebt ein innovativer Geist: Das Hotel Schloss Thannegg im steirischen Gröbming nutzt erneuerbare Energie für Raumwärme und Warmwasser.

  • Hotel
  • Renovation
  • Heat Pump

The Austrian Hotel Association describes the four-star hotel as a "best-practice example of energy management in the hotel and restaurant industry". The aristocratic builders chose a spectacular location for this 12th century castle. It is encircled by mountain peaks and nestled in lush Ennstal meadows. Before Ernst and Gerlinde Schrempf bought it in the mid-1980s, Thannegg Castle went through changeable times, even being used as a poor house, and became severely dilapidated.

Enjoy an individual holiday and protect the environment in general

With energy and perseverance – but also with love and passion – the Schrempfs converted the former ruin into an elegant hotel with 20 rooms. In the meantime, daughter Katharina has taken over the management. Anyone looking for a unique place to spend their holiday – be it to find tranquillity or to pursue sporting activities – is in the right hands with her and her team at Thannegg Castle – simultaneously saving the environment in doing so.


Hoval Thermalia leads to exemplary sustainability

From the very beginning, Ernst and Gerlinde Schrempf attached great importance to environmental sustainability and compatibility, which is why they chose a sustainable energy source for their heat supply. Since then, two Hoval Thermalia  heat pumps have been at the heart of the system: one for underfloor heating and one for domestic hot water heating. A deep well of ground water provides the primary heat source. In addition, heat is extracted from wastewater. Ernst Schrempf adds:

The hotel also utilises the waste heat from the cooling systems and the room air.

Energy requirements have fallen to one third

Thanks to the concept with heat pumps and heat recovery, Thannegg Castle only requires about 30% of the energy consumed by a comparable hotel, according to its own figures. The overall savings are far higher than the original investments. In addition, around 60 tonnes of CO2 are saved annually. In addition, Ernst Schrempf makes an assertion on the hotel's website:

Thannegg may be the only historic castle in the world with a CO2-free heating system.

This degree of environmental protection has attracted attention time and time again: Thannegg Castle, and thus Ernst and Gerlinde Schrempf, received the "Energy Globe Styria Award", a coveted environmental distinction award in the province of Styria.

Daughter Katharina continues to run the hotel with the same ecological awareness: "Energy efficiency is more up-to-date than ever," she says in an interview with "lobby", the magazine of the Austrian Hotel Association, and adds:

Efficiency gains and savings do not have to be at the expense of a loss of comfort. Quite the opposite!